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The Fire Inside Page 7

  "Permission." I moaned, my voice hoarse, fighting hard not to go over, not to cum just yet. Mason's fingers faltered for a second, but hearing my cry of distress, he immediately came back to his previous rhythm, his fingers moving methodically on my clit. "Baby, are you asking for permission to cum?" His voice was thick. I nodded once, unable to speak, so concentrated on not cumming. He moaned and I felt him pick up the pace, moving both his dick and his fingers faster and pretty soon I was going over whether he told me to or not. I started squirming away, but he stilled my hip, pressing on my stomach lightly. "Holy fuck Olivia, yes, God yes, cum."

  I shattered, my back arched almost unnaturally, and I screamed out. Mason stroked me through it, but he never slowed down his thrusts and soon after I came back down I felt him shudder and the feeling of hot liquid entered my body and all I could do was smile.

  Mason rolled off me to the side before reaching over to spread my ass cheeks and watch his cum drip out of me. "Fuckkkkk that is really...fuck." I giggled, causing more to drip out, and Mason moaned. He lay down beside me and pulled my back to his chest, back in the position we were in at the start. Gentle kisses rained over my shoulders and we both fought to catch our breath. After a few minutes, Mason spoke. "Baby, where on earth did you learn to ask permission to cum?" He was breathless, a smile playing his face as he snuggled into the back of my neck. I didn't even hesitate. "Porn." Mason made a strangled sound and turned my head up to look at him. "Did you just say porn?" He looked shocked, but his cock, which twitched and began to harden against me again, seemed to like the idea. "Yes, Porn." I smiled and rolled back onto my side, closing my eyes. "Emma and I have a rating system and everything." Mason's mouth hung open. "...a rating system..." he whispered, almost to himself. I snuggled into the pillow. "Mmhmm. You wouldn't believe all the different kinds out there. Trust me, I have soooo many things I want to do together." Now fully hard, Mason let out a long moan and a shaky breath. "You're going to be the death of me." I was already groggy, dozing off. "You'll die with your cock hard though." He scoffed, but then seemed to think better of the idea. "Not a bad way to go." But I was already asleep and if he said anything else, I didn't hear.

  Chapter 12: Those Who Play With Fire

  I woke up to Daniel' soft knocking, accompanied by a very quiet and very uncomfortable sounding voice. "Uh, Mason? Miss?" I giggled and rolled off the bed, pulling on my jeans and a sweatshirt from a few days ago. Mason was still dead to the world and I figured he needed all the rest he could get. Glancing outside, I estimated it was probably late afternoon and briefly wondered where the day had gone. With a light sigh, I left him there to snooze while I greeted Daniel and took him downstairs to the living room. Once I sat him down, I quickly went to the kitchen and made some tea. I brought it back on a little tray with milk and sugar, as well as a few soft sugar cookies. Daniel smiled at me.

  "Olivia, you seem like you feel so much better," he said.

  I nodded, grinning a little into my cup as I took a sip. "I am really, really happy. I mean, I know that depression swings back and forth and I still have a lot of things to deal with. And I will deal with them. But right now, I am just really enjoying feeling whole and safe, probably for the first time since you all lived here."

  Daniel reached over and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "I can see that." He put his tea down on the coffee table and leaned back in the chair, meeting my gaze and holding it. "Has Mason told you what happened with Jacob?"

  I felt a rock form in my stomach, but I took a deep breath and answered him. "Somewhat. He said that Jacob is gone, but I didn't ask for the details."

  "Of course," Daniel replied. "The details are distasteful and unnecessary. However, we do need to discuss how this is going to go from here. There are a few steps we need to take." He hesitated for a moment. "Are you okay to talk now or do you wish to wait until Mason can be here with you?"

  I rolled my eyes at him. "Daniel, I'm with you. I feel safe with you too, you know?" He flushed and gave me a big smile. "I know," he said. "I just wanted to be sure."

  He leaned forward and took another sip of tea before continuing. "Jacob officially disappeared last night. It is easy enough to say that you two had a disagreement and he stormed out. It would not be suspicious if he did not return today, but after tonight, I think it is important that we go to the police station. We need to file a missing person's report so that nothing seems amiss."

  My hands shook a little, but I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Okay."

  Daniel studied my face again, looking for something. After a moment, he continued. "When they follow the path he would take from here that is plotted on his car's GPS, they will find him and his death will be ruled an accident. I know it will be hard, but you are going to need to attend the funeral and be his widow, at least for a short time."

  I thought I might be sick, but then I really considered. "Well, I spent time in the Demon Lord's bed and time under Jacob's boot. Comparatively, I suppose it's not much of a trial." I shrugged.

  "I'm glad you feel that way," Daniel said with a sad smile. "We will of course be there to support you the entire way. Mason will keep an eye on the police investigation, but if any bumps arise, we should be able to use our powers to smooth them over." That did make me feel a little better. Not much, but a little.

  We sat for awhile together, just catching up. He asked me what classes I was taking and if I had set an appointment to see the therapist he recommended. I asked him about Dessa and how the company was doing. In the end, we sat in comfortable silence, sipping our tea and occasionally striking up a conversation about various, small things. I had missed Daniel, I really had. He was the older brother I wish I had, and he made me feel much more guided and protected than my own father had. Daniel always had the potential to be a formidable enemy, his skills from his strict training to become the next ruler of his kingdom ensuring that. But somehow he had managed to become the most protective and gentle ally and friend a person could hope for. I love him dearly.

  Eventually Dessa called, jokingly scolding him for missing dinner, and we both realized it was late. I walked him to the door and sent him off with a tight hug and a peck on his cheek. Throwing the deadbolt, I wandered back into the living room, picking up the tray and walking it back to the kitchen to tidy up. I crossed the room to the sink and picked up my tea cup to wash it.

  "Honestly, are you sure you chose the right demon, babygirl?" I whipped around, dropping the tea cup in surprise and cursing as it shattered on the floor. Raphael sat perched on my counter, eating a cookie out of the tin I had pulled out for the tea. He smirked. "That Daniel seems very charming and rational. A little too vanilla for my tastes, but still. You're a little loco, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE that about you. But you and Mr. Cranky can't possibly have any sort of balance."

  I glared at him. "Good only knows what's on your shoes. Get off my counter."

  "Oooh, testy!" he teased, slinking off the counter. "Aren't you going to offer me tea? What happened to our little gracious hostess?"

  Moving to get the broom and dust pan, I sighed at him. "Raphael, you weren't invited here." He just looked at me, arms crossed. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. "Would you like some tea?"

  "No, I have a strong dislike for tea. Never understood boiling leaves in water and then calling that a drink." He wrinkled his nose.

  I looked at the floor, willing a large hole to open up and swallow me whole before I found a way to murder a Mutant with a broom.

  "Why are you here, Raphael?" I asked with as much disdain as I could muster.

  "I was wondering if we might take a drive. I have something I would like very much to show you." He extended his hand to me like we were old friends and he was taking me to the fair or something.

  I looked at him wide eyed, completely incredulous. "You showed up at my house with my abusive husband, tried to knock me out so he could take advantage of me, force me to bear his child, and when that didn't work out, you
bound me in rope and put Mason in a cage! Are you insane?!?! We are not going for a DRIVE."

  "Not rope. Silk Cords."

  "You are soooo not helping your cause."

  He huffed. "You do realize I could just force you to go, right?"

  I paused, thinking about what he said. "Then why haven't you?"

  "Why haven't I what?"

  I turned on him and started advancing. He took one tiny step back. "Why haven't you just taken me and shown me whatever it is? If you could do that, why don't you?" I was face to face with him now, anger making me bolder than was probably wise. "Why haven't you just thrown me in the trunk of this car you want to 'take a drive' in and taken me wherever you wanted?"

  He sighed, looking a little downtrodden, and hopped back on the counter. I looked at him, disbelieving. "Get off the fucking counter!" I growled.

  He waved a hand dismissively and slumped his shoulders. For the first time, he looked a little vulnerable. "Listen babygirl, here's the deal. Your estranged hubby? He made a stone destiny. I'm sure you know that already. But yeah, that means it's 'set in stone,' k? That destiny doesn't just disappear because he's taking a dirt nap. But since your rageaholic boyfriend and the ex-demon prince did kill him, someone still has to pay the piper."

  I couldn't believe this. I glared at him. "You are not trying to tell me that I am somehow responsible for a deal that my asshole ex-husband made in order to RAPE me. No, you are not saying that, because that would be fucking RIDICULOUS!"

  "Ehhh..." he replied, "you say 'ex-husband' but he is, technically, your husband. And a husband and wife are bound to each other and as such, responsible for their debts."

  I felt angry tears run down my face. "Raphael, we said to death do us part. He's fuckin' dead. We're parted."

  He shook his head. "By human standards? Sure. By demon standards, by angelic standards, not so much. They hold a human marriage to be a continual binding, unless one of the parties does an actual soul binding, which supersedes the human marriage. And babygirl, they don't have the oomph to do that on this plane."

  "You didn't even do it though!" I was breathing heavy, trying not to completely lose my cool. "He didn't get the...the...GOODS he was promised. How the hell am I being handed a debt for something he didn't even get?!?!"

  Raphael sighed. "Listen Olivia, I like you. That's why I'm here, that's why I want you to see my boss, why I want to find your price. Because without that? The deal WILL be completed and he WILL pay his price. I don't really care too much about what happens to that asshole, but you? You have spunk. I like that. And if this deal isn't dealt with, the way to fulfill it? He's been dead almost a day. But the people I work with, they don't give a shit about you. And they will do whatever they need to. He still has enough body to use and they can make sure there is just enough life to get his seed to take root."

  I stood there, speechless for a moment, before turning and retching into the sink. I was surprised when I felt Raphael move beside me, holding my hair back as I emptied what little was in my stomach. I kept dry heaving long after there was nothing left. I kept my head down, still feeling nauseated, but I had to ask him. "If you're as decent as you are pretending to be, why'd you take the deal in the first place?"

  He snorted. "First of all, I'm not decent. Let's just clear that up right now. Secondly, I didn't make the deal, I was assigned the deal and it's my job to carry it out. I wouldn't be able to do this job at all if I got all decent and moral about it. But you, if I'm being honest, you remind me of someone. If I have to, I will finish this to the end. Don't think for a second I won't. But you remind me of that someone, and like her, you've kind of been through some heavy shit. I really don't think you deserve anymore of that."

  I scrubbed my face with my hands, trying not to panic, trying not to numb out, trying not to let my legs buckle under me. "Fine. What's the price?"

  Raphael released my hair and shrugged. " I don't know babygirl, different for everyone. That's why we need to see the boss."

  And just like that, his shoulders straightened and his face was a mask.

  "Now, I have places to go, people to bargain with. You call me first thing tomorrow and let me know which path we're skipping down, k sweetness?"

  I heard a growl and snapped my head around to see Mason standing in the doorway, eyes staring daggers into Raphael.

  Before he could move, Raphael gave him a little wave before looking at me. "Ciao!" And in a blinding flash of light, he was gone.

  Chapter 13: Get Burned

  The anger and rage was rolling off Mason so strong is felt like it had a physical form, spreading everywhere, filling up the room. "Mason?" I said, keeping my voice relaxed. "Baby, I need you to calm down. He's gone now." I took a step towards him, intending to hug him, let him feel safe in my arms and slowly calm down. But when I spoke, his head turned and his eyes fixed on me and I stopped in my tracks.

  Fear. Waves of it broke over me, pounding against me again and again, making it hard to breath, hard to think. "How long was he here?" Mason asked, through gritted teeth.

  I fought to speak, managed to find my voice after a few moments. "I'm not sure. Maybe a half hour or so."

  His hands formed fists at his side and he walked towards me. I stood, frozen, locked in his gaze and finding it impossible to move.

  "He was here...for a half an hour...and you didn't think to CALL for me?!?!" He growled in frustration, standing in front of me now, less than a foot away. He was so big, of course he had always been, but normally that made me feel safe. Right now though, that felt like a weapon, another weakness that I had, a disadvantage that could be exploited.

  His jaw ground together over and over, making a loud and sickening sound that put my teeth on edge. "He put you in god damn bindings last time! AFTER he got done trying to knock you out so Jacob could fucking assault you!"

  I whimpered a little, pressing myself more into the counter, wanting to seem as little as possible.

  "And you thought that instead of yelling for me, when I was less than 30 feet away, you would sit here and chat with him?!?!" His hands slammed on the counters on either side, effectively caging me in. My eyes widened a bit more and I tried to force my voice to cooperate.

  "S-Mason...stop this..." I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes.

  "What if he had tried to hurt you, hmm? Steal you, take you somewhere and fucking kill you, or worse? Huh? Do you think when you told him to stop he would?" His demon aura was starting to shimmer off his skin a little as he ramped up, no end to the rage in sight, and for the first time, I was completely terrified of him. I tried to tell myself that this was because he was worried, I tried to tell me that he was trying to scare me so I wouldn't put myself in danger. That he was misguided, but not cruel. I tried to tell myself that even if he lost control, he was still Mason, and Mason would never hurt me.

  "Mason...I-I'm not a chi-ild. I can handle i-it." I stammered, unable to look away from him, unable to break his gaze, though I willed my body to with all my might.

  "You're going to handle him? A fucking Mutant?" He lifted his hands off the counter and slammed them back down, making the counter shake and my knees start to give out. "You couldn't handle one human asshole by yourself. Or were you just going to let him beat on you, too?!?!"

  "Oh..." I whispered, my knees finishing what they started and curling under me as I slumped to the floor. Mason looked down at me, suddenly seeming to snap back into himself, and he backed away from me. "Oh shit, oh Olivia, I'm so sorry, I...fuck." He looked horrified and his hands were shaking. "I didn't mean that, I...I get scared of things happening to you and I...I'm a fucking asshole." He buried his face in his hands, bending over at the waist.

  I tried very hard to pay attention, to respond. I tried to open my mouth to speak, compel my body to move, but nothing happened. The numbness spread through me again, and suddenly, I wasn't trying to do anything at all. Mason stood up, and looked at me on the floor. He reached an arm out and took a step forward. "
Baby, please, let me hel-"

  Before he could take another step, my fear overrode my disassociation and I managed to choke out one word. "Gerard."

  Ethan appeared in a flash of light, and quickly turned around, taking in the strange scene be'd been called to. His eyes cast around the room, before they seemed to focus on me on the floor and he ran towards me, hitting his knees and wrapping his arms around me. He tried to get me to look at him, but I couldn't seem to focus my eyes. They just rolled away and stared at nothing. That was okay, though. Anything was okay.

  Still looking at me, Ethan shook his head. "Her head is all fog. She's retreated out of her mind right now." He turned to face his brother. "Mason, what happened?" Mason found his throat closed up, finding it impossible to speak. So he quickly replayed what he could recall, but already the memories were blurry. Parts were black, and he had slipped into the aura of a rage demon in a battle, leaving everything tinted red. Ethan gasped, disbelief all over his face. "You used fear enthrallment on her?!?!" That broke Mason right out of his speechlessness, like a bucket of ice water.

  "No, I fucking didn't! I don't even know how to use that, I don't even know if I have that!" Mason ran his hands through his hair and started pacing.

  Ethan practically hissed. "You do have it, even if you don't know it, and I'm not sure if that makes this better or worse."

  I know they were talking, and I know they were talking about me. But I was somewhere else, still there but not, nothing mattered. Just blank, just numb. That was okay.

  Ethan focused his eyes back on me. "She's gone deep, and I have no idea how to pull her out of it. Olivia, can you hear me?" He ran his hand down my cheek, and I absentmindedly noticed it. It was a tug back into my body, an option. I ignored it.

  Mason stopped pacing and took a step towards us. Ethan raised his hand and looked at Mason with anger and sadness fighting for dominance in his eyes. "No. You've done enough." Mason stopped as if he'd been struck. Ethan looked down at me again, still cradling me on the kitchen floor. "You want to help, Mason? Go summon our brothers and tell them what you did. I need help and apparently, so do you."