The Fire Inside Read online

Page 6

  Daniel glowered in the direction of the room Jacob sat in. "That's not justice."

  Mason nodded. His usual uncontrolled fury was not what Daniel saw in his eyes. The rage coursing through Mason's veins was calculating, dangerous, and ice cold.

  Mason met Daniel eyes. "You know what he was going to do her, right?"

  "I know."

  "You know that he's shown he will keep coming back until he really, really hurts her?"

  "I know."

  A silent moment passed between them before they turned together and walked back to the study where Jacob waited.


  I woke up quite some time later. It looked as if the sun was rising outside my window, which I realized with a sigh, meant I slept through the rest of the day and the whole night. I felt an arm around my waist and rolled over to give Mason a kiss good morning, only to find that Mason was not in my bed.

  "Ethan?" I asked, confused.

  Ethan opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Oh! Mason is with Daniel, dealing with the Jacob situation. I was staying in the guest room again, but I could hear the nightmares starting and with Mason not here..."

  Suddenly, he looked worried. "Well, we used to sleep like this a lot after watching movies and such, you know, just cuddled up. I didn't think you'd mind, I just wanted to make the nightmares better. I'm sorry if-"

  I put my finger over his lips and smiled. "Ethan, it's fine! I'm glad you came to help with the nightmares, although I'm sorry you had to see them." I snuggled into his chest. "You know I love cuddling with you. You're my best friend."

  Ethan chuckled at me and pulled me closer. "I love cuddling with you too."

  We lay in silence for a little while longer before I could feel my stomach start to rumble. Ethan laughed.

  "Breakfast, then?" he asked.

  I laughed back. "Definitely."

  We untangled and began to head downstairs. When we got to the kitchen, I remembered something Ethan and I used to do together when he still lived here. I almost started jumping up and down, and Ethan of course knew what I was going to ask before I said it.

  "Aren't you a little old for Mickey Mouse pancakes?" he teased me.

  I scoffed. "One is NEVER too old for Mickey Mouse pancakes."

  He laughed out loud at me. "Fine, fine. You make the coffee and get the table together, I'll make the pancakes." I nodded happily and got to work.

  We were just finishing our breakfast when we heard the door open. Mason came into the dining room, looking exhausted, but he gave me a small smile before coming over to kiss me good morning.

  He glanced at our plates and smirked. "Mickey Mouse pancakes?"

  I gave him a light shove. "Don't be jealous, there's more in the kitchen."

  He kissed me again before looking at Ethan. A moment seemed to pass between them before Mason walked into the kitchen and Ethan returned to his coffee, looking conflicted.

  I eyed him warily. "Ethan, what was that about?" He startled as if he had forgotten I was there and looked very much like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  "What was what about?" he sputtered.

  I stood up and walked over to his chair with my hands on my hips. He looked up at me, trying his best to look nonchalant. I glared down. "You know what I'm talking about. What are you two hiding?"

  He said nothing, his mouth pressed in a thin line. I knew it was just a matter of time though. Ethan had never been able to keep anything from me. Looking defeated, he opened his mouth to speak, but Mason's voice rang out behind me. I turned around to see him in the doorway, mouth full of pancake.

  "Thanks for staying with her Ethan, you can go home now. I can keep an eye on things from here."

  I whirled around, ready to tell him we weren't done talking, but he was already halfway to the door. "Thanks Bro, bye Olivia!"

  I took a step forward and shouted in protest, "Hey! Wait a second!"

  But Ethan was already outside, the door settling quietly closed behind him. I turned around and glowered at Mason, but he just laughed around a mouth full of pancake. "You're worse than some of the detectives at the station."

  He sat down across the table, looking smug. I flopped down in the seat opposite him with a sigh. "Well, are you at least going to tell me what's going on?"

  He shoved the last pancake in his mouth whole. "Alright, alright, gimme a minute!"

  He grumbled at me while I crossed my arms and waited for an explanation. After he swallowed, Mason took a big drink of the milk I had sat out for the coffee and then told me everything up until Ethan revealed what the stone destiny was for. Suddenly, I regretted eating so many pancakes. My stomach knotted and I felt like my head might explode. I looked at Mason with disgust.

  "I almost wish Raphael had been trying to kill me now. This is disgusting."

  Mason nodded and reached across the table for my hand. "I get why you'd feel that way."

  I felt tears stinging my eyes and I looked down at the table. "Mason, if I ask you something, will you promise to tell me the truth?"

  Mason looked a little hesitant, but after a minute, he nodded. "Alright. What do you want to know?"

  I tried to sound confident, but my voice came out barely above a whisper. "Is there something wrong with me?"

  He looked at me, bewildered. "What do you mean?"

  I sighed and pulled my hand back, curling into myself. "All of these really shitty things have happened to me. There was my Dad, then Malix and Diana, the Demon Lord, and finally Jacob. Is the reason these things keep happening because I'm somehow...bad? Or do I do something that makes them want to hurt me? I feel like the only thing in common in all of these horrid things"

  I looked down into my lap, tears streaming down my face. I startled when Mason stood up from his chair and walked around the table. He picked me up as if I weighed nothing, before sitting in my seat and settling me on his lap. One hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. The other started brushing through my hair. He rest his chin on the top of my head.

  "For fuck's sake Olivia, no, there is nothing wrong with you." He sighed, planting gentle kisses in my hair. "You aren't the things that are done to you and you sure as shit aren't responsible for them. Sometimes, bad people just do bad things. Hell, sometimes good people just do bad things."

  He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face so I was looking at him. "You are a compassionate and wonderful woman. I may be an asshole, but you can trust me on this one. You are amazing."

  I blushed and he leaned down to kiss my tears away. "Mason?" I asked. He smiled at me, pulling his head back to look at me. "What happened after Ethan told you what Jacob had planned?"

  The smile disappeared and Mason was silent for a moment. "Daniel and I talked about our options."

  I nodded, urging him to continue. "And?"

  His eyes searched mine, and he said, "We realized we didn't have any. He was going to keep coming at you until one of you died."

  I shuddered on his lap, but I didn't break the eye contact. "Mason, did you kill him?"

  He only hesitated for a moment. "Yes, and I'd do it again." I

  reached up and gently brushed my lips against his. "I know. And it's the Same as it was with Malix. We wouldn't be safe and he was willing to go outside of the human plane to get what he wanted. You did what you had to."

  Relief washed over his eyes and he let out a long breath. He pulled me closer. "I thought you might send me away, Olivia." His hands shook as he spoke. "I was terrified you would hate me for it, but I had to protect you."

  I gave him a small smile. "But you told me anyway?"

  Mason closed his eyes. "Yeah, I did." His handsome face looked pained, and it broke my heart.

  "But why?" I asked.

  He thought for a minute, before answering. "Because I don't want you just for now, I want you for forever. Lying now just hurts us and makes it impossible to have a real relationship until all the nasty truths come out. I don't want any secre
ts from you."

  I snuggled up against him. "Me too."

  Chapter 11: S’mores on a Campfire

  We sat in the dining room for a long time before Mason gently picked me up and carried me off to bed. I curled against his chest, throwing my arms around his neck. I became extremely aware of his big hand sprawled on the back of my thigh, right underneath the barely-shorts I slept in last night. I was constantly surprised by just how GOOD his hands on me felt. It hadn't been that long at all, but I was already craving his touch like air. It didn't need to be sexual, just his hand on my skin felt like I was high. When we reached the bed, Mason set me down and stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. Damn, he wore "nearly naked" well.

  He climbed under the covers with me and pulled me against his chest, settling in to be the big spoon for our nap. Both of his arms wrapped around me, one fitting neatly between my chin and collar bone, the other settling across my hips.

  I knew he was exhausted. I knew that considering what happened yesterday, considering what he did last night, sex was wildly inappropriate. I knew that. I just couldn't find it in me to care.

  With a wicked grin, I wiggled my body around, pretending to be settling in and getting comfortable. I listened to his breath hitch and then started a slow count to 15. This time, I stretched, dragging my body against his as I deepened the stretch, before curling back into myself and settling my ass firmly back in his crotch. I was rewarded with a stifled moan and feeling his cock twitch against me. My grin widened. Waiting a little bit again, I did the whole settling in thing again, but this time, I pushed my ass down and then back up his cock, before again settling what was now a pretty hard cock against my backside. This time he growled and tightened his arms around me. "If I didn't know better Olivia," he murmured into my ear. “I’d think you were teasing me." On the word teasing, his hand grabbed my hip, pulling me up against him and causing us both to moan.

  I waved my hand dismissively, and spoke in a authoritative voice, if a little breathlessly. "Please, don't flatter yourself." Mason chuckled. "Mmmm, I don't think I am. I think you are definitely trying to seduce me."

  I laughed. "Oh really now? And what on earth would make you say such a thing?" I silently congratulated myself on successfully toying with him and getting this playful banter started. I was never, ever going to admit to teasing, and that was that.

  Mason leaned forward and nibbled my ear. "Because I have a wet spot on my boxers that didn't come from me."

  Huh? I reached down and realized I had enjoyed my teasing a little too much and my damn sleep shorts were soaked through. Lovely.

  What was I to say to that? I opted to forgo any further conversation where I might embarrass myself further and just settle into full blown grinding on his dick.

  That seemed to have the desired effect, as he forgot all about our little argument in favor of growling and nipping at my neck. Each bite caused me to squirm and each squirm caused us both to moan. By now, there was no twitching in his cock. He was more than ready.

  I rolled over and kissed him, running my tongue along the inside of his bottom lip. I kissed across his jaw and down his neck, finally biting into his shoulder and feeling myself clench when he let out a throaty moan. I looked up at him, stroking his face. "If I recall correctly, I was told I would for sure be orgasming last night. What a disappointment." He glared at me for a minute, his face a frown. "Well fuck Olivia, I was a lit..." he said. His voice cut to a growl when I reached down and bit him in the Same spot. I giggled, before feeling my breath rush out in a gasp as he flipped me over and pinned me down. The look in his eyes made me shiver, and I only shivered harder as he began an enthrallment spell and I became a needy puddle of want and longing. Mason undressed me quickly and roughly, before stripping off his own underwear. He then grabbed my wrists in his hand before pushing them up above my head.

  "I don't want to have to restrain you," he threatened, his face serious and a little frightening. "So be a good girl and wrap your hands around the bars of the headboard. And don't...fucking...move them." His voice was strong and assertive and I gave in to his dominance with a happy sigh. Slowly, Mason eased down my front, kissing between my breasts. I wriggled under him, but kept my hands firmly in place. His tongue ran lazily over my nipple and I shivered, drawing a laugh from him. Of course, his exhale made me shiver as well and I looked down in annoyance before feeling my back arch and my eyes close as he took my nipple in his mouth. Apparently unimpeded by my sense of urgency, Mason languidly sucked, licked, and nipped until I was dying just to have something in me, anything really; hand, cock, tongue, anything he could reach from the bed, I wasn't picky. With one last hard suck and a pop as his mouth came off of me, I panted looking down at his cheeky grin. He kissed down the middle of my stomach before reversing directions and taking my other nipple in his mouth. I cursed and he chuckled, taking all the time he wanted again, and I could feel my body shaking under him. When he brought his other hand up to my already over-teased nipple, still rolling the other one in his mouth, I let out a yelp. After a moment, he replaced his mouth with his hand and looked up at me, surprised. "Olivia, are your teeth chattering?" They totally were.

  "N-nope!" I said in what I can only assume was a super convincing way.

  He smirked at me, kissing my neck while now tugging and pulling and twisting my breasts while I keened and mewled and made generally obscene sounds underneath him. "If you want me to stop teasing, be a good girl and beg for it. Beg for my cock and I might give it to you." I giggled, but it quickly turned into a moan, so Mason probably didn't notice. That first night I may have been shy, but that seemed a very, very long time ago. He thought that I would be embarrassed? That begging him would make me feel dirty? Ha! I was quickly learning that I was absolutely shameless. Who knew?

  So imagine his surprise when I moaned out, "Oh please, please, PLEASE can I have your dick?" He chocked and for a moment it looked as if he swallowed his tongue. Within seconds though, he recovered, his surprise abated and he flipped me onto my stomach reaching forward to wrap my hands back around the headboard and positioning my ass in the air. The position forced my head and chest to the mattress, and he slowly slid into me and I let out a happy little hum. In and out, slow and steady, positively infuriating. I huffed and Mason looked down at me. "Oh no doofus, what's wrong?"

  I glared back at him. Then an idea occurred to me and I had to bite off a grin. My lips formed a pout, before I said, "This is sooooo boring. I don't know what you're doing back there, but if this gets any slower, I'll have to..."


  The room went silent and nobody moved. I could feel the welt coming up on my backside, a red burning in the shape of Mason's hand. He panicked. "Shit! I didn't mean to...I never should have...I'm such a fucking idiot." Mason was so upset and repentant, so I knew I needed to say something, but I was still trying to make blood go to my brain so I could speak. Finally, my voice came out in a little squeak. "...harder..." Mason leaned over me. "What did you say?" This time when I answered, my voice was a little stronger. "More and harder..." Mason hesitated. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" I growled at that, impatient.

  "Yes Mason, damn it! PLEASE!?! harder..." He could pretend he wasn't into it, but I could feel his cock twitching in me. I rocked back on him, reminding him what he was doing, and he rammed forward. Gone was the gentle Mason and out roared the demon and oh dear lord how I loved to be jack hammered by the demon. Another smack to my ass had me howling and edging and as if he knew, Mason reached around and stroked my clit, fingers moving in circles, timed to each snap of his hips. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, heat surging through my body, and pleasure fraying at my edges. "Please!" I whined. "Please Thebe, please I want to cum." Mason's voice held confusion when he asked, his voice husky, "Please what? What else do you need?" We had been doing this dominance thing, and I knew I wouldn't be able to let go without something. My body was a virgin just a few days ago, but frankly, my mind w
as filthy and if my sexual fantasies were any indicator, I needed the right answer or it wouldn't feel right. This kind of play required certain things.